Still here, yep still alive and kicking. Our old computer has SHIT the bed, and $500 freaking dollars later, we have a new part and it should be running smoothly soon. It's going to take some time to transfer things over but I didn't want anyone to feel neglected!
Be back soon!
Monday, July 27, 2009
It might be a few more days
Posted by Queenb at 9:22 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The toy battle
Posted by Queenb at 8:10 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 18, 2009
It's just one of them days....

Posted by Queenb at 8:33 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Ella's 9 month check up

Posted by Queenb at 1:52 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Finally, time to relax!
It's been one busy week for us, and it's only Wednesday. Monday CJ had his follow up at the Allergist from testing and new meds from his last appt, which was in January. It did NOT go well at all. Not what I was hoping for. The one thing I wanted to mention was CJ's breathing. I was pretty sure he had asthma, and lately he's had a lot of trouble breathing when he's playing hard, and coughing at night. The coughing at night keeps him up a lot and I just feel so bad for him b/c often it brings him to tears b/c he says his throat hurts. Well, the nurse had CJ do the breathing test, and some of the results were good, like how much air he actually takes in, but the really shocking part was how much he is releasing and how much is getting trapped in his lungs. Amazing how a little machine can tell you all that! Anyway, he was way below average for those things, so sure enough he has allergy induced asthma. More meds, here we come! The dr very strongly suggested we get rid of all of our pets, but really, at this point it's not an option. CJ and I talked about it and he doesn't want to either, it would devestate him, so the pets are staying. For now. Back to the meds....CJ now has to be on Flovent, which is another type of inhaler to help open up his lung tissue (which he has to use 2x a day), nasal spray b/c the dr said his nasal passages were very swollen. Not a shocker b/c he's ALWAYS sniffling! We still have to keep him on Zyrtec, use his other inhaler as needed and now thinking about going back to Singulair. Ugh, what a nightmare. Poor thing, and he was such a good sport at the Allergist too, considering the last time we went they did his skin test. Well anyway, so far so good with all his meds. CJ doesn't even mind the nasal spray, shockingly enough.
Yesterday we had a playdate with two friends of mine from high school. Actually, one of my friends I've known since 5th grade. Isn't that insane? And the funny thing is she has a daughter that is not too much younger than CJ, and a daughter that is 2 months younger than Ella. And my other friend has two kids that are 1.5 years old and 2.5 years old. Everyone had a blast. Ella and Haylee (the baby), actually smiled at each other and babbled a bit. It was adorable. Then Ella decided she HAD to have Haylee's socks. She actually pulled them off her feet and chewed on them, and Haylee just stared at her in complete awe. Too cute. I posted a bunch of pics on my facebook page. After we got home it was DEF time for a nap for two busy kids, and a busy mama. I think that was the only time I've napped this week. I was just so worn out, not to mention not sleeping well. I mean, a lot of times I get major sleep insomnia, but really...who could sleep next to a man who snores to wake the dead, runs in his sleep, talks in his sleep (most of the time he's actually yelling at his workers or CJ!), or kicks me in his sleep. Not good. And sleep issues are one thing I don't want to get meds for. It will just make me loopy. I much prefer alcohol for that! Anyway, that's about it. I worked Wednesday and ran errands with the kids and made some yummy meatloaf for dinner. A good day!
Posted by Queenb at 1:25 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 11, 2009
A night out
Hmm, how nice that I FINALLY went out without a child attached to me tonight. Seriously, I haven't been out since before Ella was least without someone accompanying me. And it was wonderful. I didn't have to rush, I enjoyed my meal and adult conversation and even had a glass of wine! I know right...probably normal to everyone else out there, but not for me. My hubby tends to work so much that it's really hard for him to have any type of patience to watch two kids. But, I made it mandetory that he keep Ella and CJ tonight. Of course, he lucked out when my brother in law came over and kept him company the whole time, but he sort of got the drift of what it's like for me some days. And why the hell is it that Ella is always an angel for him when I'm gone? I asked him how she did and he said she was sooo good. Not fair, although most days she is very good for me. Anyway, I enjoyed a lovely dinner with my good friend Melissa. I had fish, typically the same thing I always have when I go out. Everything was wonderful, and how I've missed gossiping with someone about life that doesn't have to do with construction. Ugh, no talk about pole barns, or apples or trusses. What a break from reality. See, Randy, my "sweetie", talks nonstop to me about all those terms and I have honestly no freaking clue what it means. You would think after him being in the business for so long, I would be able to build a pole barn, but nope. And to be honest, I kind of lose all interest when the conversation starts leading to that. There are a lot of "oh yeah" and "reallys" that end up coming out of my mouth. Oh, back to my point...I've missed my friend. It's been too long since we've caught up. So it was wonderful. But back to reality once I got home. CJ was literally jumping off the couches when I walked in the door and Randy and Lee (my brother in law) were playing the Wii. I have no clue how Ella sleeps thru all that racket but she does. All hell seems to break loose when I leave, even if only for a few hours. And of course, I have to be the police and break it all up. Lee leaves, Randy decides to go to bed and CJ thinks he can still bounce off the walls because Daddy has let him do it up to this point. Sadly, the poor kid had to pay a visit to the sleeping Gods because he was so overtired and miserable. To bed he went, Randy went to catch up on Nascar (thrilling I know!) and I came down here to do some more blogging. So that's how my night out went...wish I would've done some more drinking but now that I think about it...not so smart when I have two kids who have NO clue what sleeping in means. So I'll end this post with a picture of me and my bud Melissa:
Posted by Queenb at 10:22 PM 0 comments
So, here's my very first post on my very first blog. Everyone else is doing it, so why shouldn't I, right? Not that my life is very exciting....well sometimes it can be. But, it's a place to get my frustrations out as I try and keep my sanity while working part time and staying at home with my kids.
Momma's boy. This is crazy CJ:
Posted by Queenb at 7:56 AM 0 comments