When I wanna be all alone..it's just one of them days...that a girl goes thru...
Remember that song, Monica sang it back in the early 90's I think. Great song, b/c the words describe me perfectly. Honestly, it has been a pretty bad day all in all. CJ was up before 6am, which is not a regular thing for him. But, when it does happen I know instantly I'm in for a rough day. Ella was up about 615a or so, which is normal for her. And she is rarely crabby in the morning, and I can always guarantee that she'll be down for a nap around 8am anyways. I was just going to lounge around the house and clean and maybe even relax a bit. Well, CJ was just so awful and Ella a bit crabby that I decided to go to my mom's at the last minute to at least get a change of scenary for them. Usually that does CJ some good b/c he loves spending time with my mom. And he doesn't often get to see her b/c she works all the time! I told CJ we had to stop at Target to get some things, and he immediately asked for a toy. I said no b/c Randy and I have made an agreement that we would stop spoiling him and not buy so much stuff. Besides, the child has more toys than a toy store anyways. Of course that didn't go over well...he pissed and moaned the whole way to my mom's house, and I wanted to just hang my head out the window like Ace Ventura does in Pet Detective. I was about at the end of my rope. He had been like this pretty much all week. Mind you, I brought it on myself, I've spoiled that kid and so has everyone else since the day he was born. And now I've got to try and break my bad habits. It's not been easy. It's like taking away a baby's pacifier. Sometimes I just want to give in b/c I hate the whining and I feel bad b/c it's my own fault. So, when we got to my mom's house, I dropped CJ off and Ella and I went to Target so I wouldn't have to listen to CJ's mouth. And boy, what a nasty mouth it is!! Anyway, it was so cute in Target b/c Ella has decided she's ready to start waving to people, and wave she did. The entire time we were in the store. And of course people had to stop and chat for a few minutes, and she eats all that attention up! When we got back to my mom's CJ was still miserable. He even asked me what I bought him...well....nothing chief! So he said he was never talking to me again and I said a secret prayer to the Gods that it would last at least an hour. And it actually did! CJ refused to look or talk to me for quite a long time. He was madder than Hell that I wouldn't buy him anything. I gotta be strong...and each day will get easier. Gee, listen to me...talking like it's something serious. Oh well.
So, here's my other rant for the day. As you know, I stay at home with the kids and Randy works all day. Like usually from about 6am till 7p or so, and even on Saturdays. Though those hours aren't as long. But, it makes for a very long week, sometimes a very long summer! And when he comes home, he shuts himself off from the world usually. It irritates the hell out of me to be honest with ya. I mean, I'm with the kids all day long, every day and it's not always an easy job to entertain a 4 year old and a 9 month old. But, I love how Randy thinks that it is. I mean, I rarely get adult like time, and when I do go out with a friend I always get stuck taking either Ella or CJ. Mind you, when Randy has something to do or errands to run he just goes and does them. Doesn't offer to take CJ (obviously he can't take Ella!), and once in awhile it would be nice if he offered to do a little bit. He typically whines when CJ wants to spend time with him, and I totally get that when he comes home from a stressful day at work he just wants quiet time, but I do too. I don't get it. Especially lately b/c Randy allows CJ to stay in our bed watching tv until about 10p at night. And I'm more than ready for bed by then. It's a vicious cycle...neverending. And I can't really say anything about wanting Randy to help out more b/c then he flips out saying he works all day long and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I'm sure you know the deal....Just once a week I would like me time. No one interrupting me, no one to ask me to wipe their ass and no one to ask me to get them food. I get tired of making bottles, cleaning baby spitup off the carpets, cleaning up cat shit and dog hair everywhere, tired of making breakfast, lunch and dinner like this is a restaurant, and tired of just being tired and annoyed. Ugh, can you tell it's that time of the month???? Just give me a freaking padded room to throw myself around in.

Um, I think you need a mommy vacation and maybe a part-time job. Just one day a week to have some time to be with adults. Even if it's that time of the month your emotions are real and you need a break. Guys will never get it. It's alot going from working full-time to a full-time mommy. Especially with CJ driving you nuts. But be strong and win the toy battle, just remember your the parent and can't give in.
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