My original idea was to make this short, quick and to the point, but then what fun is that? I'm sure you all want to hear every little detail of my Las Vegas trip, right? The best part is when Magellan got himself lost....hence his wonderful name! It was quite funny. But that comes a few paragraphs down. The first fiasco is our damn flights! Have I mentioned I hate freaking flying???
So, Magellan and I made a very late night of it last Thursday, the day before we were to fly out. Our flight was scheduled at 9am, we were preparing to leave around 7am. Neither one of us likes to sit in the airport, so we usually wait till the last possible minute to leave. This trip was NO exception. I think I fell asleep around 1am, only to have Ella wake up wailing around 145a. I guess she must've known I was going away and just had to see me one last time. Randy and I always joke around that she knows when I leave b/c she's always absolutely miserable. Sometimes I choose to do my shopping or quiet time after she goes to bed, but it never fails. After 10 1/2 months, she will still wake up and wail for almost an hour. Randy, of course, goes to check on it, but she typically wants nothing but Mommy. OK, I'm getting off track, I finally pass back out around 230, and here Magellan come in close to 315 or so. Well, around 330a my phone starts buzzing and I can hear Magellan mumble, "Who the hell is calling you?" And naturally, I would know?? I don't recognize the number so I ignore the call and roll over. Well, a few minutes later it buzzes, which signifies a message was left. Of course, I listen to it, knowing that the majority of my immediate family is already in never know what could happen. Low and behold to my utter amazement, it's a status update for our 630AM FLIGHT! I'm thinking, what the hell? I run downstairs to double check on the computer, and yes indeed, our flight leaves at 630a. You do realize what this means right? We have to get up NOW and leave for the airport by like 445a. I am not happy and I am dreading waking the grizzly bear (that's my husband, in case you didn't know!) I lightly shake him to no avail....after about 5 minutes of shaking and whispering his name, he finally answered me and said to get him up in a few minutes. I think the only reason neither one of us was really ticked off was b/c we had SO been looking forward to this vacation for many months, and it was with NO children. I think we were just so glad to have Magellan/Lindsay time. We make it to the airport, very late b/c we didn't leave on time. And of course, the line to hand in our baggage was longer than anything I have ever seen. Something was wrong with all the Northwest/Delta printers and no one had gotten their bags checked in yet. Thank god though, b/c that meant the plane wouldn't be leaving anytime soon. There wouldn't have been anyone one board, LOL! Then doesn't it figure, we are the only flight that doesn't have it's gate assignment showing on the board. And of course, there are no agents to help us at either one of the concourses. So while I send Randy to grab a quick bite to eat, I'm running around like a moron looking for our gate. I finally found an agent to help me who responds with an attitude like, "Duh!" I should've had like X ray vision or something. We finally board and eat our breakfast and are off! YAY! We get to Detroit and find out we have 3 hours before our next flight. Ick! I hate waiting that I ball up my sweatshirt, find a sunny spot, and sleep on the floor. I didn't care, I was so tired.
We made it in one piece to Vegas, and it's blistering hot out and sunny. Of course, we just want to chill for a bit, so we put our suits on and head down to the pool. It was so nice to just sit and enjoy the sun and warm water. Later on we head down to the main part of the strip. I had a purse store that was calling my name, and Magellan and my little bro wanted to go to Caesar's to gamble a bit. I found some wonderful things and then the boys decided to go to the casino while my sister in law and I walked around shopping for a bit and people watching. If you ever want to have an awesome time people watching, just go to Vegas. Seriously. The most intriguing people live there and visit there. I had a ball just staring at people walk by. I mean, I don't think half the people there ever use a mirror. Case in point below:
On to the "Lost Hubby" part. Apparently he was doing really well at whatever Casino he was at. And anyone who has gambled knows, if you're gambling you get free drinks. So of course, he was drinking it up. Well, the Jack and Coke did him in b/c he decided to walk back to our hotel, which by the way, is NOT far from the strip. But at 2am when you're drunk and tired, you really just want to get back. Well, the joke is that Magellan had other things on his mind b/c he walked right by our street, and before he realized where he was, he was in front of Hooter's. Hysterical, b/c that's like 30 mins out of the way. My mom felt bad for him, the rest of us just called him a dumb ass. Needless to say, he finally made it back around 245a, and then slept till 11am the next day!
Everything else went great. Oh, except for the damn weather. Can you believe it rained EVERY DAY we were there! I had no choice but to spend it shopping! We had a blast at the mile mall at Planet Hollywood. We wandered around the MGM, watched the lions, went to the Aquarium at Mandalay Bay and I even got a new tattoo. This is my LAST ONE! It was by far, the most painful one I have gotten yet. But the guy was fantastic, and yes, it cost a fortune. Apparently we choose the studio where all the stars go, but heck, it was worth it! It still looks so fake to me...and I have yet to come to terms with the fact that I got it on my foot! It's adorable, and I do not get a tattoo that doesn't have any sort of meaning either. So it's not a waste to me. My mother, who HATES tattoos (and threatened to disown me if I ever got one!) loves it. She thinks it's adorable. Here's a picture:
The black are CJ's initials, and the ladybugs represent Ella. We decorated her room in ladybugs and she always ends up with clothes with ladybugs...and if you haven't noticed the name of my blog? Yep, she's my little ladybug. So there you have it. My trip in a nutshell. Oh, did I mention I had to walk like I had a broken foot for two days? That is how painful it was afterwards. I actually almost passed out from the pain at one point. And I typically have a very high threshold for pain. Believe it or not it is still a bit red and swollen. But I love it and am glad I didn't chicken out at the last minute.
How to Make a Treasure Candle
5 days ago
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