My handsome boy, who actually wore a long sleeved shirt for the occasion.

Papa and CJ hanging out after eating the main course.

Chase and Ella giving each other kisses goodbye!

Grammy playing with Ella.

Chase and Ella checking out each other's jammies.

The boys playing Super Mario on WII. Very into it as you can see.

Uncle Lee passed out after dinner..probably still hungover from the night before.

Uncle Bradley, Chase and CJ snuggling after Turkey.

My Princess playing ball.

Ella giving me dirty looks for snapping her picture while she was trying to fall asleep on the way home.
what fun! Looks like it was a great day!
Fun, fun! But where are the pics of YOU, Missy?!
I know AJ! I'm always the ONE behind the camera. Guess I'm just not cute enough.
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