I often wonder if I keep the kids busy doing activities just to save my own sanity. Sometimes it does work though! This is a busy week for us coming up. Here's a quick peek into our week this week:
Monday - School for CJ and some grocery shopping for the necessities
Tuesday - Maybe a trip to the mall to return some things I bought, dance class at 5p for CJ
Wednesday - School for CJ, drop Ella off at my Dad's and a dr's appt with my hand Dr, and then Gymastics class at 630p for CJ
Thursday - A day off maybe? But I do have to bake a treat for CJ's VDay Party at school
Friday - School again for CJ, then a special dinner b/c its CJ's 5th Birthday
Saturday - Baby Gym class for Ella at 830a, CJ's birthday party at 1p
So this week brings many interesting activites. The most important one being CJ's birthday party. I can hardly believe my baby boy is going to be five! It doesn't seem possible. Five years ago I was big as a house and praying CJ would come at any time! He was a very active baby, even in the womb and literally tried to rearrange every part of my insides. I will blog more about CJ's birth story on CJ's actual birth day! It's an interesting one, stay tuned!
Ella's top molars are offically all the way in, thank God! Now she's just working on those bottom ones. I think one broke thru, but not the other. Her gums are very swollen, and she does have some really good days even despite the pain she may have. Her incision is healing nicely, not half as bad as I thought it would be. It actually looks good, all things considering! She looks beautiful as always. Ella has also officially dropped her morning nap and so far so good. She only had one really bad nap day, but I attribute that to her teething. She typically goes down around 1p, talks to herself for maybe a half hour while she winds down, and then she usually gets up around 330p. Its a nice break as long as she is down for that long, and wakes up in such a pleasant mood too. Of course that means she goes down to bed a bit later, like 7p but thats ok because then she sleeps till about 8am, which is WAY better than waking at 630a. As if you didn't already know, I am NOT a morning person. So the earlier I train Ella, the better we all are! She's still eating like a mad woman and learning so much every day. She has such a fun, sweet spirit, but boy she is a lot of work!
And my most favorite event of the week will be my doctor's appointment. I am very much looking forward to getting this darn cast off. Though I am a bit nervous of the outcome of my xrays I just can't wait to be able to bend my wrist AND most importantly, put some lotion on. It's been 7 long weeks since my arm has seen soap, water, or lotion. And believe you me, my hand has gotten pretty gross since the cast has been on. Relief is such a sweet thing.
Today we have my niece's 3rd birthday party and I bet Ella will have such a good time with all the other kids there. I will be sure to take lots of pics.
More later!
How to Make a Treasure Candle
5 days ago
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