I hate being so behind in blogging b /c it will take me FOREVER to update! But here goes, first things first....my baby girl's surgery.
So Ella's surgery was scheduled for Monday the 11th at 715a, and we had to be there by 615a to check in and sign paperwork. Shockingly enough the two kids did fantastic having to be woken up at 530a! CJ fell asleep immediately in the waiting room (he is a narcoleptic!!), and Ella just smiled and waved at everyone. My silly girl! They called us back to her little cubicle area while we signed some more papers, talked to her nurse and her plastic surgeon. Ella seemed to do pretty well and really liked jumping up and down on her bed! Randy and I had to take turns sitting with her separately b/c they don't allow other children in the back areas. And obviously we had CJ so someone had to sit with him too. At about 730a the nurse and anestethiologist came to take Ella back for surgery. I was starting to get choked up, and was just waiting for Ella to start screaming b /c I had to hand her over to a strange man to be walked back. Well the little tough girl didn't make a peep and I was left there to wipe tears!! Do ya think I was nervous?? She probably loved all the male attention anyways.
About 45 mins later her surgeon came out to say they had successfully removed the entire cyst with no complications, and they would be sending it out to make sure it isn't cancerous or anything. Normal procedure I guess. Well, I got the biggest shock of my ENTIRE life going back to see Ella when she woke up in the recovery area. I could hear her all the way down the hall screaming bloody murder. A horrible scream, it broke my heart! There were 3 nurses trying to wake her up and calm her down, and they all had to stay even after I took my baby into my arms. Apparently babies do not wake up well from the meds (but who doesn't??) and she was SOOO out of it. She wailed for about 25mins and was thrashing all over the place, kicking, hitting, arching her back and just trying to get away. She had no clue I was holding her either. I almost started crying, it was so hard and even harder to see her big incision.
I finally got her calm enough to realize it was mama, and she cuddled right up to me and wouldn't go. She was really pissed off I had to let go of her and put her into her carseat. She cried almost the whole way home. The only time she was quiet was when CJ would sing to her! It was so cute. She was a bit better when we got home. She was still woozy from the meds and it made walking very hard for her, but nothing was going to stop that girl from eating! She ate for about 2 hours straight!!
Tuesday, Ella's entire left side of her face was very swollen, we called her our little alien! Her right eye was completely swollen shut, but it did not phase her one bit! She was completely back to her old self. She wouldn't take any medicine, and even with one eye was running around like a wild woman! She took real good naps and even went down to bed just fine. She did wake up 2x before 11pm, but then she slept soundly the rest of the night.
Today her eye was open and she could see out of it, but she has a lot more bruising, poor thing. Looks like someone knocked her out in a boxing match! But you would never know the girl had surgery. She hasn't once attempted to touch her stitches or incision, and I even have to lather the cut up a few times a day with Vaseline. She just really could care less, LOL! I did have to venture out in public with her today b/c I had an appt at the hand dr to get my cast off and get more xrays to see if my wrist was healed. Everyone we came in contact with naturally wanted to know what had happened to her.
So, what a bummer my Dr's appt was. I got my cast off and my thumb and wrist actually hurt like hell. Of course it was tender and sore, but ached like heck. I had a bunch of xrays done, and lo and behold it's not healed. The fracture goes almost from one side of the scaphoid to the other. This is not a good thing. My Dr said I have a nonunion waist scaphoid fracture so I got a pretty black cast for FOUR MORE WEEKS!!! Yup, you sure read that right. Four more freaking weeks. And then they will xray my hand again, and if it still doesn't look healed I will have to get a bone scan to get a better look at the fracture and there is a possibility of having a screw put in to help the bones heal together. Pretty freaking dandy if you ask me! And not to mention I've been in pain all day after having my hand jerked around again. UGH! And to think when i fell my hand didn't even hurt.
OK, so enough updating for now. Tomorrow I will post pics of my pretty new cast and Ella's "mug shots".
How to Make a Treasure Candle
5 days ago
I am so glad Ella's surgery was such a success! I am sorry you had to see your sweet girl freak out when she woke up- that is SOOOO hard!
Bummer about the cast too! Ugh.
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