Goodbye B's and hello D's. Surgery went well. Guess I was only in the OR for an hour. Less time than expected. The surgeon told Magellan he was very pleased with the results. Can't wait to be able to see the girls.
I originally had to be at the center at 1115a, but they called and moved up the surgery because they were ahead of schedule. I have to admit it made me even more nervous. Magellan and I got ready and I was just about shaking in the car on the way there. I was nervous and scared. We got to the center, and only waited about 15mins before I got called back to be prepped for surgery. I had to pee in a cup (you know, to make sure there aren't any little Magellan's swimming around!), ask a bunch of questions and get my IV started. Which might I add was a huge PITA! I apparently have the worst luck with IV's. Not only do I bleed a lot, but the nurse was having trouble getting the drip to start. So, he had to keep moving the needle around in my arm, take off tape, reapply it and then take it off again. Not comfortable at all!
My surgeon came back and talked to me for a few minutes then said they were ready to get me started!! I almost puked, LOL! I got wheeled back in my awesome looking hospital garb. You know, the sexy nightgown, underwear that they give you to wear after you deliver a baby, and some cute, brown socks. LOL, I looked awesome. No, no pictures as Magellan wasn't allowed back there. I can vaguely remember the med dr getting me all prepped and I asked her if she had already started the drip for the general anest....She laughed and said, "Why you feeling it?"
I laughed and said "Oh yeah!" Next thing I remember is waking up in the recovery room. Oh, funniest part is the med dr asked me if I was a lightweight when it came to drinking. I think so! She explained the meds work a lot quicker for people who don't drink on a regular basis.
At this point it was a bit painful, just felt real heavy. I got the shakes pretty bad, so I got to use a special warming blanket and FINALLY got to drink! It had been since midnight last night with no food or water. UGH, I don't like that feeling. I drank some Gatorade, went to the bathroom, then got dressed (naturally with a LOT of help), and was wheeled out to the car. The car ride was pure torture. Literally every bump and turn hurt the girls SOOO bad. It took me like an hour to get into the house and upstairs b/c I had to walk so slow. Poor CJ had a heart attack when he saw me. He felt so sad because he doesn't like to see anyone sick or in pain. My poor baby!
Since I hadn't eaten anything right away, the pain pills weren't doing crap for my pain. I couldn't move, not even my arms otherwise it hurt the boob muscles really bad. It hurt to breathe and cough, but finally after eating some toast the meds kicked in and I'm much better. Not perfect of course but the pain is bearable.
Magellan is doing fantastic with the kids. I had full faith in him for today b/c we were gone for most of the afternoon and he only had to worry about dinner time and bed time for my El Belle. Both her and CJ took 2 hour naps, lucky bastard! Who knows what tomorrow will bring though? I pray it's not too hard for him.
I am totally going to miss sleeping on my belly and putting Ella to bed. I love that time b/c she snuggles a bit more than usual.
I will try and post tomorrow about how I'm doing.
Have a good night everyone!
How to Make a Treasure Candle
5 days ago
Wow, I can't imagine. I'd love to have some bigger "girls" someday, but I'm just terrified of the whole surgery thing. I'm so glad it went well and hope you have a great recovery!!!
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