Did you miss me? It's only been a week since I've last checked in. I'm doing better. MUCH better than a week ago. All last weekend I was probably in the worst pain of my life. Or very close to it. I couldn't sit up by myself, I had to have Magellan pretty much lift me up. It hurt to talk, breathe or even cough. I was in pretty rough shape, LOL! I can't complain about it though b/c I did it to myself. I just didn't think I would be so uncomfortable. I had a hard time sleeping at night b/c I had to sleep semi upright and couldn't sleep on my sides or stomach b/c of the pain. The pain pump pretty much did numb most of the pain but not all of it. Luckily, I had some Vicodin and Percocet but I really tried to limit the amount of meds I took after Saturday. I just didn't want to depend on them. Dr E. ok'ed my using Ibuprofrin, saying I would need to take 800mg in order to get some relief. And most of the time that did the trick.
If you had asked me a week ago if I was happy with the new "girls", I would've said no. I would've told you I totally regretted my decision. But, I was basing all that on my pain, and how gigantic the "girls" were. To say there were ginormous is an understatement because of all the swelling.
I have to say that now that some of the swelling has gone down, and the pain is gone, I am quite happy with the results. It's still quite a shock to see the girls in the mirror or while getting dressed. For the last week I've been wearing just sweats and stuff to minimize having to pull anything up and over my head b/c I'm not supposed to lift my arms up. Today was the first day I had a "real" shirt on and Pee Lee came in the house and said, "Holy cow! It's a good thing you don't go jogging or you'd pop an eye out with those things!"
Leave it to him to be the first one to say something perverted. I have absolutely no bruising, but still have a bit more swelling to lose. The only thing that really bothers me now are the stitches where the incision was made. Its getting a bit itchy and it's still pretty sore. Today is also the first day I can wear a normal bra. It's amazing to say that I went from a 34B, to a 36D. Which was exactly what I was hoping for!
The first few days were quite interesting every time I would bend over. When I stood back up I could feel the liquid moving in the implant. It was a very odd sensation. The other odd feeling was when I had to take the pain pump out. I did that myself on Monday. The medicine in it was just about gone, but it was driving me crazy. All I really had to do was pull the little tubes (there were 2, one for each side) out slowly and that was that. Sounds simple, but really wasn't!! I could literally feel the tube being pulled from one side of the breast until it came out the hole. It was such an odd feeling and gross to watch that I had to sit down to do the second one. Magellan couldn't even watch!! But, it's much nicer to shower now without having to have someone help me so I didn't get the pain pump wet.
CJ and Ella were angels for Magellan pretty much the entire weekend. Ella was very good about going down for her naps and bedtime. She got a bit antsy late on Saturday about wanting to see me. Of course it still hurt anytime she tried to snuggle with me and I felt bad, but I did what I could. And then it was nice when I could go to the bedroom and hide. I put earplugs in and didn't hear a thing if I needed to sleep. There is no such thing as peace and quiet in this house without them!
I had a follow up appt with Dr E Thursday and he said everything is healing nicely! He is very pleased with the results so far, and surprised I had no bruising. He's the best Dr in the world. Not only b/c of the great job he did with me, but also what he did for Ella.
So I had to take both kids to my appt with Dr E b/c I didn't have a sitter, and apparently it was meant to be that way! Dr E came into the room and was chatting with CJ, then walked over to say hi to Ella, when he noticed her big, yucky scab on her head from her cyst removal surgery. He asked me what happened. I reminded him she had had cranial facial surgery and that the yucky scab is the result. He washed it with a wet, soapy gauze pad and asked me if I could smell it. Of course, I could! It was the most foul smell I've ever smelled. He then proceeded to tell me Ella had a very bad staph infection in her incision, hence the big, yucky, yellow scab. He asked if I minded if he did a culture, I told him to feel free. Then he was kind of touching around the area again, explaining to me that we really needed to get the scab off so the skin could heal properly otherwise it could manifest into other things and do serious damage to her skin. I started to get really worried and then felt awful for not figuring it out on my own. Then, before I even knew it, Dr E had pulled off half the scab! Ella cried a little bit, but he assured me it was only b/c the scab was attached to her hair at the very base of her skull. At that point the smell of the infection nearly overpowered the entire room. It was nasty to say the least. It didn't really bleed, and since then has healed amazingly. There is a very tiny, tiny scab now and it's normal looking, LOL! Magellan and I have to figure out a way to get the rest of the scab off without traumatizing the poor girl, but it just turns my stomach to do so. I also don't want her in pain but I know it has to be done. Ella will go back for a recheck next week to see Dr E. He is now officially her plastic surgeon too!! He is such a sweet ,man to take this on, knowing full well how busy he is! From the end of my appt Friday to Monday night when he talked to Magellan he had already done 15 boob jobs! That is alot if you ask me. So he is a man that is sought out by a lot of people, to say the least! I will NOT be taking Ella back to her other surgeon. He assured me when her incision first started to look ugly that it was totally normal. Well, guess what? It wasn't!
CJ is doing well. He hasn't said anything about the boobies, but did ask me what Tata's were! Even after he had to witness Dr E checking out the girls and looking at my incision, he still didn't say anything about them. Silly boy!
I suppose that's it for now. That should be enough!
How to Make a Treasure Candle
5 days ago
I have the opposite issue...I need a reduction! If only I could have just shared with you....that would be a win/win solution!! :) Hope you're feeling 100% soon!
Girl, I think you've had enough pain (between your wrist and your ta-ta's) so far this year to last a loooong time.
So glad it all went well and that you're happy with the results!
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