I have decided that in blog world I should win the record for how long I can ignore my blog. I really did have a lot to say, I just didn't feel like saying it I guess. I've been more into spending time with the crazy kids, working out, getting some girl time in also, and trying to have date night once a week with Magellan. It sort of works out I guess. It's harder in the summer though with his massive work schedule.
So, to do some real quick updates, I am officially signed up for my college classes that will start in September. So not only will I have a Kindergartner but I will also be an almost full time student. I've decided to pile on the workload and take 1o credit hours, just 2 shy of what is considered full time. Why you ask am I so crazy? Probably b/c I want to be able to get done with school as quickly as possible. I don't want to be an old student forever, LOL! It's just not me.
Ella is now almost 22 months, can you freaking believe it?? I can't. She has grown up way too fast. She is amazingly strong and pretty advanced in the motor department. She can already do somersaults, spin in circles, pull herself up on the uneven bars in her gym class, jump down 3 steps, jump off of both feet, gallop, swim by herself with floaties, jump in the pool, loves to jetski and tube, and is basically a crazy, busy girl. She is still an awesome sleeper unless she's teething or sick, and is an absolute Daddy's girl! She just loves him to death, it's the cutest thing ever.
CJ is doing very well. He had his first visit to the dentist today and loved every minute of it. He even asked me when he could go back, the silly kid. He didn't even cry or get nervous at all. He had no cavaties, and basically surprised the heck out of me for being so darn grown up! He has two loose teeth now, and one of them should fall out any day now. He is still the goofiest little boy and loves to make us laugh, and is really beginning to enjoy Ella as she gets more playful. They are very cute together. Wait to see the photos I took of them! I will DEF share tomorrow, for Wordless Wednesdays. CJ has made great strides in the swim department. He can swim wihtout floaties now, jumps in the pool by himself, jumps off the diving board and loves to do cannonballs. He is much more sure of himself when he's in the water, it's amazing. He is currently taking Karate and is one of the star pupils. He really enjoys that.
Pee Wee has finally moved out of our garage. He moved in with some buddies of his. It will be a bit quieter around here now, LOL!
Magellan is busy as ever, and still getting a lot of calls for buildings, which is awesome. Hopefully we'll have another winter like last year; enough work to get us thru the slow season. Especially with me being in school now, we have an extra bill to pay. Joy! But the end result will be well worth it.
What am I going to school for you ask? A nurse, eventually I hope to get my RN, but the school I will be going to will help prepare me for my LPN. After I get that I will have to continue on if I choose to a 4 year school to get my RN. After all is said and done I really want to be a Labor & Delivery Nurse someday. Hopefully I can make that dream come true.
So...until tomorrow!
How to Make a Treasure Candle
5 days ago
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