CJ is off at the lake with my in laws for the rest of the week. He left yesterday morning with his sweet Aunt Nicole who is visiting from Colorado for a week. Its a welcome break, but really good for him to get some family time in. I know him and I get sick of each other sometimes, though we would never admit it, LOL!
So it's just me and Ella until tomorrow afternoon. We'll be going down to the lake and spending the night to see Aunt Nicole before she leaves Saturday morning. We have some errands to run and then I MUST go to the gym. I skipped yesterday, just had way too much to do. I got my cavaties filled, it was an ok experience. I only needed novacaine on one side, the dr had to do a lot of drilling and I opted to not feel it this time. I didn't need any local or anything on the other side b/c the spot was so small....and of course I survived. I figured I could handle it after having 6 cortisone shots in my wrist, a broken wrist, a certain operation and other small problems! I'm a wreck I must say.
Magellan keeps saying in his next life he's going to do a health background check BEFORE he gets married....only b/c I'm a freak of nature. Anything that could possibly go wrong usually does with me. And speaking of going wrong.....I'm having an issue with one of the girls. For those of you who remember about my surgery a few months back. I'll be going back to see my surgeon in the next few weeks and maybe I will have more information for you all. Until then, stay tuned!
So as the days get closer to CJ going off to Kindergarten, I get a bit misty eyed. He is super excited, but boy I'm going to miss that kid and miss seeing how he interacts with the kids. Now I know how my mom always felt that first day I walked up the bus steps...so bittersweet. I know he'll do fine, I just can't help but miss our time together and his time with Ella. That girl is going to miss the heck out of her brother!
CJ currently has another VERY loose tooth. It may even be out before he goes to school! Then he really will be the toothless wonder. Ella can now put her shoes on by herself and does a lot of dressing herself these days. She has just started sitting super good for books. She will sit on your lap while you read at LEAST three or four books. She just loves it. But the books must be about Elmo or Thomas or she won't last. That's all she's interested in.
So that's enough of playing catch up! More tomorrow for 5 question Friday!!
How to Make a Treasure Candle
5 days ago
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